There have always been plenty of good ideas for making money via small businesses, and more so, online. In fact, the amount of people who own small businesses has drastically increased over the past decade, and more of them are into trades that were never thought possible at one time.
One thing that you should remember is that although your idea may be the least well-known and the most likely to make an impact, it can still bomb if it isn't nurtured in the right manner. For now, though, let's have a look at the best small business ideas for turning a tidy profit.
Domain Selling
People who buy and sell domains make a tidy sum on each transaction. It's simple. Go to any domain selling website, and buy a domain. On that URL, make a mention that this domain may be for sale. You'll have a lot of bidders if the domain name has these characteristics: It's easy to spell, it includes a keyword, or if it's misspelled in such a manner that it still has a lot of traffic passing through it. Say: Tahoo instead of Yahoo. Since T and Y lie next to each other on the normal QWERTY keyboard, misspelling can be common. And in this case, you get the benefits.
Content Writing
Writing articles for other websites is a really good way to make some money. Although the major boom has passed, copy writing is still a good idea for a small business. Out of all careers, copy writing is one of the most lucrative. All you need is a good turn of phrase, and some creative brain cells. Why not gather up a few writers, and get started? Or better yet, why not try to make it on your own?
Virtual Assistant
All companies need someone to do their data entry for them. Why shouldn't it be you? Or better yet, why not gather a small team? There is a lot of demand for virtual assistants. Supplying this demand is a prime small business idea. Being a virtual assistant yourself also has a lot of perks for all that it might be slightly boring! At the end of the day, you're the winner.
Get more freelance business ideas at
April Boone is the owner of Global Marketing Solutions. Article Source: |
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